Gerry McDonnell
I have been professionally involved for thirty years in archaeometallurgy including field-walking, geophysics, excavation, post-excavation analysis and outdoor and laboratory experiment (see About..). This is an opportunity to offer my expertise to a wider community. These pages will benefit archaeological professionals, academics, students and community groups alike.
NEWS and Events
Consultancy Service - XRF Analysis
Pictures of HMS smelting fest, see activities
Events: lists of forthcoming conferences etc
This web site is under continuous development so please excuse any hitches
New Broxmouth earliest steel go to news
Consultancy Pre-Eexcavation |
Consultancy Excavation |
Consultancy Post-Exacavtion |
Consultancy Teaching and Lecturing |
Consultancy - Research |
XRF_Service |
Principles of XRF |
Interpreting XRF data |
Interpreting X-ray Data 2 |
Metalworking Residues |
Iron |
copper |
Diagnsotic Residues |
non_diagnsotic residues |
Geology and Iron Ores |
Iron Smelting |
Iron Alloys |
Smelting Slags |
Refining |
Iron Smithing |
Smithing Slags |
Metallurgy of Iron and Steel |
Slag Inclusions |
Liquid or Solid |
early medieval Iron |
Monastic and Post-Monastic Iron Industry of Rievaulx |
Viking Iron Project |
Wharram Percy |
Early Medieval Iron Production |
Early Medieval Smithies |
Early Medieval Iron Metallurgy |
Project Summary |
icelandic sites |
slag analysis |
solid or liquid |
details |
past events |