Gerry McDonnell


Home. Consultancy. Metallurgy. Research. Publications. Issues. About. Contact. News. Events. Links. Activities.

I have been professionally involved for thirty years in archaeometallurgy including  field-walking, geophysics, excavation,  post-excavation analysis and outdoor and laboratory experiment (see About..).    This is an opportunity to offer my expertise to a wider community.  These pages will benefit archaeological professionals, academics, students and community groups alike.  

NEWS and Events

Consultancy Service  - XRF Analysis

Go to new XRF Pages     

Pictures of HMS smelting fest, see activities

Events:   lists of forthcoming conferences etc

This web site is under continuous development so please excuse any hitches


Links to other web sites

Last  Updated    Friday, April 8, 2011

New  Broxmouth earliest steel  go to news